Canada Parents and Grandparents program
Exciting news has surfaced for Canadians with parents and grandparents residing abroad! Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced the issuance of 35,700 invitations for the Canada Parents and Grandparents program (PGP), set to commence on May 21, 2024. These invitations are exclusively extended to prospective sponsors who completed an interest-to-sponsor form back in 2020.
PGP: A Key Element in Family Reunification
The PGP, a cornerstone of IRCC’s family reunification efforts, allows eligible Canadian citizens or permanent residents to sponsor their parents or grandparents for permanent residency in Canada, provided they meet the program’s eligibility criteria. As part of its commitment to family reunification, IRCC will reopen the Canada Parents and Grandparents program this month, inviting potential candidates from the pool of individuals who submitted an interest-to-sponsor form in 2020.
Focus on 2020 Applications
It’s important to note that IRCC will not entertain new applications this year, exclusively focusing on those submitted in 2020. This marks the fourth consecutive year where only applications from 2020 will be considered. Invited sponsors will have a 60-day window to compile and submit a complete application package, including all requisite documents and proof of financial support. The invitation process will span approximately two weeks, starting May 21, 2024.
Current Processing Times for PGP Applications
PGP applications’ current processing times vary depending on the intended province of residence, averaging around 20 months nationwide, except for Quebec-bound applications, which may take up to 33 months.
Eligibility Criteria for PGP:
Sponsor Eligibility:
- Must be a registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act, a citizen of Canada, or a permanent residence.
- Must be at least 18 years old.
- Must meet the minimum necessary income requirement to support the sponsored parents/grandparents.
Financial Requirements:
- Must meet the minimum income threshold for the last three taxation years.
- If married or in a common-law relationship, the combined income of both partners can be considered.
- Must sign an undertaking to financially support the sponsored parent/grandparent for 20 years without relying on social assistance.
- Must reside in Canada.
- For Quebec residents, additional provincial sponsorship requirements may apply.
The new Canada Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 2024 intake will open on May 21, 2024 from the existing pool of remaining interest to sponsor forms
— The Canada Time (@thecanadatime) May 7, 2024
35,700 permanent residency invitations will be extended over the course of 2 weeks, with the goal of accepting…
- Must prove the relationship with the sponsored parent/grandparent (biological parent or grandparent, or have legal adoption papers).
- Grandparents must be the parents of the sponsor’s parents..
Medical and Criminal Checks:
- Sponsored parents/grandparents must undergo medical examinations and provide police clearance certificates from all countries where they have lived for more than six months since the age of 18.
- Must not be inadmissible to Canada due to criminal activity, health grounds, or other reasons listed under Canadian immigration law.
Application Process:
- Must submit a complete application package, including all required forms, documents, and fees.
Annual Quotas and Lottery System:
- Due to high demand, the government operates the Parents and Canada Parents and Grandparents program through an annual quota system and a lottery selection process.
Commitment to Stay in Canada:
- Sponsored parents/grandparents must intend to live with the sponsor in Canada and not intend to seek employment.
What’s Next?
For those who may not receive an invitation or are seeking alternative options for family reunification, IRCC continues to process applications for the Super Visa throughout the year. The Super Visa allows parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to visit the country on an extended visiting visa, offering a viable alternative to PR under the PGP. Accepted applicants can stay in Canada for up to five years, with the option to apply for an extension.
While the reopening of the PGP for the 2024 intake brings hope to many Canadian families eager to reunite with loved ones, it also brings frustration for those excluded from consideration. However, amid these mixed emotions, Canadian consultants and experts suggest exploring alternative programs. Nonetheless, the issuance of 35,700 invitations represents a positive step towards family reunification for numerous individuals.
In conclusion, while the Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program offers a pathway for family reunification, it’s essential for prospective sponsors to remain informed about eligibility criteria, application processes, and alternative options to ensure the best possible outcome for their loved ones.